Added Quill as a web action fallback #indieweb

I decided to add Quill as a web action fallback because it provides urls that can publish likes, reposts and replies via micropub. This is what the dialog looks like now, when indie config doesn't find a protocol handler:

While making these changes I discovered indie config wasn't working at all with the latest version of Firefox, but it seems to only affect the Linux version. To get around that I also added an input field so that users can point to their own web action handler, so no registration is needed.

The nice thing about adding this input field is that it can re-use the iframe on the page that was already created for the initial check (the same event handler is still waiting for a message from it). If the new url manages to post a message from the iframe, the new config details are saved in local storage and shown to the user. Otherwise it shows a message in the dialog above saying the config wasn't found.
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