ok time for indiewebify.me.

Level 1 step 1 is a given, that's to get your own domain name. (Some people have the problem of collecting too many domain names.... it really should be classified as an addiction. All the new tld's didn't help us with that either!)

Level 1 step 2 is Web Sign In. That just requires adding a rel=me link to your home page. Should be pretty easy, except all my content goes through HTML Purifier which is pretty locked down. It's also very configurable, so added 'me' to the list of allowed rel values.

So Level 1 was no problem, and now I can sign in to indiewebcamp.com :-)

Level 2 step 1 is Mark up your content. I added an h-card to my home page, but not quite sure of the use of it yet so left it as the most minimal example. Also added h-entry mark up to my posts, so now they're available as both HTML and RSS.

Level 2 step 2 is WebMentions, I'm thinking that will take a bit longer and will get it's own post when I'm done.
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